8 Dishes to Try in the Netherlands

8 Dishes to Try in the Netherlands

The Netherlands, a land of history and beauty, is known not only for its lovely cities but also for its delightful foods. Be it sweet, savory, or hearty foods – the Dutch definitely have something to offer for all kinds of taste buds. Sampling these famous delights from world-renowned sweet syrup waffles to well-loved savory snacks like bitter balls, it is as rich as the countryside with its proximity to the sea and also reflects its creative way of adapting simple ingredients to flavourful dishes. They are definitely a must-try when you set foot in this lovely country, as they reveal a unique view into the Dutch way of life. 

If you plan to travel to the Netherlands, it is important to prepare for your journey. One should first apply for a Netherlands visa, as this is the first step to experiencing everything the nation has to offer when it comes to delicious food. For Indian travelers  Apply  Netherlands visa from India getting one has become that easy. Enjoy that same exceptional food scene while traveling through the country’s pretty canals and lively cities, rich in oceans of historical landmarks. Whether your trip is short or long, a Netherlands visa gives you access to the culture and cuisine of this beautiful country.

Here are some dishes to try in the Netherlands.

1. Stroopwafels: Sweet Delights from the Netherlands

Stroopwafels are the favorite treats of Holland, partaking at any time of the day. These thin, crispy waffles are filled with a rich caramel syrup that melts in the mouth. Traditionally, they are served fresh and are put over a cup of hot tea or coffee to warm up the syrup inside. This has to be one of the first things you try when visiting the Netherlands, as crunchy on the outside and gooey sweet inside, it really makes you drool. Stroopwafels bought from the streets or homemade are proof of the Dutch baking excellence and will definitely satisfy any sweet tooth.

2. Bitterballen: the Dutch savory snacks

Bitterballen are very typical in the Dutch snack cuisine. These deep-fried meatballs usually come with mustard as a dipping sauce. They appear crispy from outside while being stuffed with some really nice creamy beef- or veal-ragout filling. It is enjoyed mostly as an appetizer while drinks in bars, or part of an extensive course meal. Bitterballen are loved by students and many more who come to visit Dutch culture. It is something unique that truly presents an example of Dutch comfort food.

3. Dutch Pancakes (Pannenkoeken) 

The pannenkoek is a pancake from the Netherlands. They are much larger than American pancakes and thinner. They can be served with toppings that include bacon and cheese or be sweetened with powdered sugar, syrup, or fruit. Quite different from other pancakes, Dutch pancakes are normally classified as a meal instead of a dessert, making them very filling and tasty as breakfast or lunch. Pannenkoeken can be enjoyed whether in a traditional Dutch pancake house or at home, offering a very versatile and yummy way to include Dutch cuisine.

4. Haring: A Taste of the Sea

Haring-raw herring-is a dish which a lot of Dutch people consider to be a kind of delicacy. It is eaten by first holding its tail and taking a bite. In a traditional way, it is served along with onions and pickles. Haring is mostly sold by street vendors and it is popularly known for this kind of eating. The fish is preferably fresh prepared with so mild and delicate flavors that complete contrast with on-and pickles. For adventurous eaters, Haring is like an authentic taste of Dutch culinary tradition.

5. Erwtensoep: Dutch Pea Soup

Erwtensoep-split pea soup-is one of the hearties, warm dishes enjoyed in the Netherlands mainly during winter’s deep days. This thick soup basically has split peas, pork, and vegetables, mainly carrot, onion, and leek. This dish is generally accompanied by rye bread and bacon, thus making it even more appealing as a complete meal for lunch and dinner. Erwtensoep, somewhat creamy, filling, and homey, is a great creation for trying a real Dutch winter dish.

6. Patat: Dutch Fries

These are essential thick slices of fried potatoes which crispen outwards and tenderize inwards. Typically, they are served with a load of toppings and sauces. One of the ways to have typical Patat is with mayonnaise; however, peanut sauce and onions are some of the other local condiments available for adding on. Grab your serving from a local snack bar, or eat these delicious and satisfying snacks during meals.

7. Kibbeling: Fried Fish Bites

The beloved Dutch kibbeling is made up of battered and deep-fried chunks of white fish, with a side helping of tangy garlic sauce, tartar sauce, or other dips. Crispy on the outside and tender on the inside, golden bites of fish are full of flavor, making them an ideal snack after visiting the cities and coasts of the Netherlands. Kibbeling is one of the most bought snacks to both local residents and tourists from seafood stalls or food markets-the fresh fish with crispy batter is a Dutch success.

8. Dutch Licorice (Drop)

 A unique and popular confection in the Netherlands for a sweet tooth as well as people of other tastes is the Dutch licorice or drop. Unlike the more typical kind, Dutch drop can be flavored in many ways – sweet to salty. The most well-known, or salty drop, might be particularly popular and for those unfamiliar with the taste can be quite an acquired taste. Offered in many forms; hard candy, soft chew, etc; it’s mostly eaten after dinner or snack. For the licorice fanatic, drop will tempt your tastebuds with a taste of the Netherlands beyond what you find anywhere else.


This country indeed has a wide range of tastes and flavors in the kitchen, expressing the rich culture and agricultural history of the land. From the sweet-syrupy, sticky Stroopwafels to the savory Stamppot and Bitterballen, the list goes on and there is no reason for you not to find a dish that suits your craving urges. Every dish speaks a tale of the Dutch imagination and resourcefulness, and it is something every traveler should try at least once in order to experience the culture. You can enjoy such a meal in a cozy setting of a traditional Dutch café or treat yourself to some street food from a local market, and you are definitely sure to have unforgettable impressions of the Netherlands.

Traveling to the Netherlands, the very first thing to do is to secure a Netherlands visa so that you can enjoy these tempting dishes. If you are coming from India, the application for Netherlands visa from India will become an important procedure to make your entry into the European country much easier. Completing the visa application with correctness and timeliness opens a gateway to iconic attractions and little-known wonderful culinary treasures of the Netherlands. So, whether in search of real Dutch comfort food or wanting to try unique local takes on international dishes, make sure to get your Netherlands visa and start your delightful culinary journey!